Who can mistake the power and thoughtfulness of this album. Is it a classic, yes it is truly and absolutely. From the start of Dominion/Mother Russia to the final refrain of Colours. This album is wide open and strong. Each song is related to the next in its focus and message and what is the message. Pure Nihilism and End of Days - pure Rapture and pure Goth. If this is not in your music collection you might want to ask yourself some serious question regarding your reason for breathing.
Monday, March 31, 2008
DIGit of the Day
Who can mistake the power and thoughtfulness of this album. Is it a classic, yes it is truly and absolutely. From the start of Dominion/Mother Russia to the final refrain of Colours. This album is wide open and strong. Each song is related to the next in its focus and message and what is the message. Pure Nihilism and End of Days - pure Rapture and pure Goth. If this is not in your music collection you might want to ask yourself some serious question regarding your reason for breathing.
Monday is only good for reflection, you cant start anything earth shattering. Despite popular belief it isn't even the first day of the week, which makes it number two and that it is. So how was my weekend. busy very busy.
Friday was Paradise lost, thus another chance too prove my DJ worth, and fuck it all if I didn't. I went of the reservation a bit and played mostly aggro electronic melodies which would live most comfortable in a machine press or a Toyota assembly line. Did I have fun yes, did I spin until 5am just about. Did I wake up at 9:30 the next morning to play Paint-ball in New Jersey. Yes I did. Was my first time in camouflage and with a paint-ball gun and face-mask. I was delirious and in need of sleep. We played til 4am getting n around 6 games and we had a blast. Its a lovely change to get outside into nature and stretch the ol' body and shoot people with paint. Dinner on the way home and lost a bet about Noah doing his daughters... it was his daughters in Law. So good job Liz and Happy Birthday John.
Getting home around 8pm between getting lost and traffic was a journey that truly had me thinking of poor Odysseus and making a comparison. Took an hour nap then went over to Francine's birthday Party at her friends house down on Pearl St. Strange thing was this it was my old bosses apartment weird coincidence. Had a great time its nice to these people outside of a club. Good vibe fun time. Left around 2:30 then went to Pyramid for the last hour and danced to synth-pop and 80's music. Home and sleep up and Brunch at Smoke, In mad pain due to Paint-ball but we endeavor lest we become less then ourselves.
Now here I am at work at 10:30 in the morning questioning all the futile ministrations and machinations all these important rushes that need to get done and for what why? But what makes me different then the liberal unshaven scum that tend to live in the same area of Brooklyn, you know who you are. I accept full responsibility for everything that is called my life. No one has to be anywhere they don't have to be and what we do with our time is just that our time and therefore our responsibility. So this is why I cant hate Mtv or any Government because its not there job to care about our singular being. I guess you can say by this reasoning I hate locally and not globally. Have an average Monday.
Friday was Paradise lost, thus another chance too prove my DJ worth, and fuck it all if I didn't. I went of the reservation a bit and played mostly aggro electronic melodies which would live most comfortable in a machine press or a Toyota assembly line. Did I have fun yes, did I spin until 5am just about. Did I wake up at 9:30 the next morning to play Paint-ball in New Jersey. Yes I did. Was my first time in camouflage and with a paint-ball gun and face-mask. I was delirious and in need of sleep. We played til 4am getting n around 6 games and we had a blast. Its a lovely change to get outside into nature and stretch the ol' body and shoot people with paint. Dinner on the way home and lost a bet about Noah doing his daughters... it was his daughters in Law. So good job Liz and Happy Birthday John.
Getting home around 8pm between getting lost and traffic was a journey that truly had me thinking of poor Odysseus and making a comparison. Took an hour nap then went over to Francine's birthday Party at her friends house down on Pearl St. Strange thing was this it was my old bosses apartment weird coincidence. Had a great time its nice to these people outside of a club. Good vibe fun time. Left around 2:30 then went to Pyramid for the last hour and danced to synth-pop and 80's music. Home and sleep up and Brunch at Smoke, In mad pain due to Paint-ball but we endeavor lest we become less then ourselves.
Now here I am at work at 10:30 in the morning questioning all the futile ministrations and machinations all these important rushes that need to get done and for what why? But what makes me different then the liberal unshaven scum that tend to live in the same area of Brooklyn, you know who you are. I accept full responsibility for everything that is called my life. No one has to be anywhere they don't have to be and what we do with our time is just that our time and therefore our responsibility. So this is why I cant hate Mtv or any Government because its not there job to care about our singular being. I guess you can say by this reasoning I hate locally and not globally. Have an average Monday.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Here is an honest answer to a very good question. Why do I spend my time hatching ideas, creating clubs and spinning music on my time away from work? This is time I can use constructively. I can be studying, teach myself a language and becoming more marketable in the workforce. Why fritter my time and energy on something that wont make me money will not make a dent in the jaded NYC 'scene' so why for the love of God?
It does so excite me and gets my adrenaline flowing the fear of failure is a wonderful inducive a true aphrodisiac. Creatively pumping out the art work and honing what skills I need to bring all to fruition. Be it with the challenges and limitation I set for myself with The Red Party or Salvation as bad as it can be it can be twice of fun. Wish me luck as I jump into the pirahnna bowl once more and try to throw yet another ass kicking party!
It does so excite me and gets my adrenaline flowing the fear of failure is a wonderful inducive a true aphrodisiac. Creatively pumping out the art work and honing what skills I need to bring all to fruition. Be it with the challenges and limitation I set for myself with The Red Party or Salvation as bad as it can be it can be twice of fun. Wish me luck as I jump into the pirahnna bowl once more and try to throw yet another ass kicking party!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Digit of the Day
Was gonna do Medusa which is I think a better album, but I said fuck that. This album is great and deseving of today's attention.
And here is one of the coolest videos of one of my favorite Xymox songs.
Muscoviet Musquito
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The Last Home
A poem that I spit out about a month ago, going to expand and expound pound upon it, I like it alot so far.
The Last Home
Please allow me to disavow
To be taken and no longer to lead
It is my breath, my last home
A tale no longer desired or never more to be told
It is the shivering mortality
A failed leap of humainity
I must never pardon in life what cannot be pardoned in death
Waiting for the return of mad Ozymandias
less to stop the symptoms of man less to impede
nemesis time and its bloody claws and tooth
stained spit gristle and pulp
let it all end or nothing at all
a greater blackness a faster fate
let us not pretend infinite
Sin not so sinister secretly sliding off the backs of the desperate
Into known places in respectable distances to the body
A better union stutters and moves freely without design without grace without God
Hollowed praise for selfish ends,
we wait on seizures sainted and drunk heavily on the milk of good fortune
Second handed handshake with a knife eagerly awaiting its spotlight
To its fall is a human kindness welcomed
Now onto the matchstick throne, grand poser and punctual to the need
this is for us who toil in the light to king make the fools who skulk in the shade
dare you to comprehend and all talk must stop now
and fall back to the mend
none for graces saved to follow
the sound of the falling thirty to echo linger
I cannot see the end of it all
Brought back to the starless womb uncertain of the grand intent
Desire the darkest thoughts, sexless and without teeth
A speedier end a welcoming for all end time come
Cemented a compact unholy and wholly willing
and to tender my thought, a waiting world no longer lit
Anoint another whose life is less then my own
it is the worthless and profane whom we shall gift and mantle
more inhuman in its humanity
exquisite in its corpulent shift
a garden of excessive successive
Our Gods are rotted and venereal in there intent
A single twitch will claim you impotent
Hail and all are pardoned in the last home
A keyless door free of latch or terror bolt
A Slower poison and words are all broken and swallowed
Hail the warmth of hearth truer then fire truer then the sun
A merciful lapse of reason breeds eternity to a sliver of instant
You will deny yourself what you have always craved, for what other must talk to drown out what others have stole
A reminder of the true sacrifice, you no longer can believe in God
And we shall never look again at the true face, the singular truth
We will not miss it, we will never claim it even in its memory
A last linger and futile grasping what we know must be lost to the greed of mediocrity
A passion for the passionless a spine for the frog prince
With canker encrusted scepter all must be barred then turned to dust
Let us be away and look for truth, no more words in the last home
- still working out the bullshit to get to the truth
The Last Home
Please allow me to disavow
To be taken and no longer to lead
It is my breath, my last home
A tale no longer desired or never more to be told
It is the shivering mortality
A failed leap of humainity
I must never pardon in life what cannot be pardoned in death
Waiting for the return of mad Ozymandias
less to stop the symptoms of man less to impede
nemesis time and its bloody claws and tooth
stained spit gristle and pulp
let it all end or nothing at all
a greater blackness a faster fate
let us not pretend infinite
Sin not so sinister secretly sliding off the backs of the desperate
Into known places in respectable distances to the body
A better union stutters and moves freely without design without grace without God
Hollowed praise for selfish ends,
we wait on seizures sainted and drunk heavily on the milk of good fortune
Second handed handshake with a knife eagerly awaiting its spotlight
To its fall is a human kindness welcomed
Now onto the matchstick throne, grand poser and punctual to the need
this is for us who toil in the light to king make the fools who skulk in the shade
dare you to comprehend and all talk must stop now
and fall back to the mend
none for graces saved to follow
the sound of the falling thirty to echo linger
I cannot see the end of it all
Brought back to the starless womb uncertain of the grand intent
Desire the darkest thoughts, sexless and without teeth
A speedier end a welcoming for all end time come
Cemented a compact unholy and wholly willing
and to tender my thought, a waiting world no longer lit
Anoint another whose life is less then my own
it is the worthless and profane whom we shall gift and mantle
more inhuman in its humanity
exquisite in its corpulent shift
a garden of excessive successive
Our Gods are rotted and venereal in there intent
A single twitch will claim you impotent
Hail and all are pardoned in the last home
A keyless door free of latch or terror bolt
A Slower poison and words are all broken and swallowed
Hail the warmth of hearth truer then fire truer then the sun
A merciful lapse of reason breeds eternity to a sliver of instant
You will deny yourself what you have always craved, for what other must talk to drown out what others have stole
A reminder of the true sacrifice, you no longer can believe in God
And we shall never look again at the true face, the singular truth
We will not miss it, we will never claim it even in its memory
A last linger and futile grasping what we know must be lost to the greed of mediocrity
A passion for the passionless a spine for the frog prince
With canker encrusted scepter all must be barred then turned to dust
Let us be away and look for truth, no more words in the last home
- still working out the bullshit to get to the truth
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Digit of the Day
The Newest album by the Germanic Noise Monster Einstürzende Neubauten. The album is more refined and less of a barage and more of a beast in slumber. It is closely linked I would say to Silence is Sexy then Halber Mensch. I enjoy this album immensely and can not stress the impoirtance of this band that has maintained its relevance for so very long. I have been listening to this machine since high school, I should say cominng to terms with it. There is so many sides to E.N. that you never know where its gonna land, and I respect them so much for that. Long live Blixa and E.N.
Title: The Horrible mishappen wreck or My life with Tuesday
There is nothing more hopeless then Tuesday, you see Monday can not hide the truth of itself. It is an Infernal genesis or the weekend stealer. We know the moster fully and unashamed. Tuesday is cloaked in sincerity and promise. Tuesday promotes itself as the non-Monday but it is worse for rather be on the first or the last step of a journey not the second or third. With Monday you can create a feel or an idea that carries through, Tuesday you can not create a damn thing, not a damn thing at least Wednesday is called hump-day so it has that going for it.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Yeah I know it is such an obvious and boring choice, well fuck it. I am a huge fan and it is St. Patricks day so lets just run with it ok.
Happy St. Patrick's Week
To take pride in the Irish is the same as taking pride in America. Our closest brother to the East, Ireland has weathered too many storms and always came out grinning. From well before the time of the mass exodeus during the Great famine the Irish have been coming here not just for mere refuge or shelter, but as builders and law-makers. St. Patrick though the patron saint of Ireland his day is more a celebration of the relationship between these two great empires. Yes Ireland is an empire in so much as its roots and its contribution run so very deep in the Worlds pysche that to call it anything less is to do a great diservice to all nations.
I look forward today to drowning deep in my Irish blood, to look backward in wonder at such an epic history and again look forward at the glorious future and its people who through the most dire of all tests came back and asked for a second and third and maybe a shot on the side.
God in all his greatness chosen to create the Irish, the Irish in all their wisdom let him. Wishing all the Lovers of the Green a mad and beautiful day the rest can go to hell. Happy St. Patricks and long live the Irish.
Póg ma thoin
Sean Robert Cornelius O'Connor
One of my Heroes Michael Collins
I look forward today to drowning deep in my Irish blood, to look backward in wonder at such an epic history and again look forward at the glorious future and its people who through the most dire of all tests came back and asked for a second and third and maybe a shot on the side.
God in all his greatness chosen to create the Irish, the Irish in all their wisdom let him. Wishing all the Lovers of the Green a mad and beautiful day the rest can go to hell. Happy St. Patricks and long live the Irish.
Póg ma thoin
Sean Robert Cornelius O'Connor
Friday, March 14, 2008
Digit of the Day
It was close but Tender Prey has won out over Henry's Dream, but just barely. I can still remember the first time I purchased this album at a now gone record store on St. Marks. This album is solid and divine in all aspects. Its dirty and religious at the same time, this is The best Bad Seed line up also and if one has there choice DO NOT BUY THE NEWEST DRECK, GET THIS ONE INSTEAD.
Sometimes people get lost and I dont mean in the emotional sense but in the actual phsyical sense. People fall off the map only to reappear again at the most difficult times. Never to say that any re-emergence is bad or taken as anything other then a gift. Odd is the word Family it is a large tent that can mean so many things to so many people.
So another morning and another breakfast. I am cutting down on food again, there no real need to eat unless absolutley neccasary. I think some fruit and my deathly black coffee should do just nice. Hot Bitter Liquid Doom.
Today is defiantly a Nick Cave day, there can be no doubt. The music is just floating over me right. Which album? odd I say album I wonder if people younger then myself ever say that or is it just CD. Funny thing is I never bought albums I was on the cusp of cassette to CD, any yet its my chosen nomenclature. Still bravo to Vinyl a format long since disregarded by the mainstream yet survived its replacement. Still which album should be the chosen arc of the day?
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Digit of the Day
Wumpscut: Bone Peeler
Mostly abused by most rivetheads, I find it a nice in-between album. That means it isn't aggro for the sake of it but tries to delve in and out of other territories in spite of the listener. Props to Rudy for not playing it safe. Its worth the Lmt. Edition for the very good remixes.
A Thursday is Just a Whore craddling the Backside of Friday
Bonus Oriens, Just got into work. A bit late indeed, however I refused to rush myself in preparation for today's melee. recieved my new headphones last night as well as some books. Its always fun to come home to packages, there is to a less degree a sense of Christmass. Below is a list of items:
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Digit of the Day
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
A Lil chuckle
Arthur Guinness, August Busch, and Pete Coors were sitting in a bar. Mr Bush orders a Bud, and Mr. Coors orders a Silver Bullet. Guinness orders a Coke, and the other two simply stare at him. Taking a sip, he says, "What? If you guys aren't going to drink, neither am I!"
Digit of the Day
The Devil you know...
Much like our bedeviled Ichabod I too feel its hot breath on my back, everywhere I go, it seems to follow me and stick to me like some fanatical loathsome sore.
What shall I get for Breakfast?
Egg, Cheese and bacon on a roll with hot sauce and a side of potatoes. Large Coffee. If people think this too extreme for breakfast, please take into consideration I do not eat for the rest of the day, so dont judge to harshly.
What shall I get for Breakfast?
Egg, Cheese and bacon on a roll with hot sauce and a side of potatoes. Large Coffee. If people think this too extreme for breakfast, please take into consideration I do not eat for the rest of the day, so dont judge to harshly.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Oh how the Mighty have..sniff ... fallen
In my mind Nick Cave disappeared around 1994, just vanished in thin air. This ensured his perfect record and never would I have heard this piece of shit passed off as music. This Album should be avoided not even listened too for bleak curiosity. It is the lowest form of crap. Please understand I say this with sadness not joy, in a world deprived of real guts or talent we need him more now then ever and what does he do..what he gets old and phones in this piece of putrid refuse along with the worst line up of 'Bad Seeds' ever. They should be lost in the Andes like a fucken soccer team.
The Answer is...
Eggs (scrambled), 2 hash browns and a chocolate croisaint with a lg coffee light and sweet just like me!
Oh Leo hold me!
How Was My Weekend?You tell me
Its like the Titanic but gayer
Its like the Titanic but gayer
Matter doesn't Matter
Just testing out this new flickr feature, lets see if this could be deemed worthy or as a fail.
At work right now alone its 9:50am and I want to get breakfast at the lodge. But now for the all encompassing dilema what should I eat! bagel ..no eggs ..no maybe an omlette with a cup of tea or just some melon. I guess the answer will have to be one decided on the spot, fear not soldiers of knowledge I will come back with the answer in which we all are consumed by!
At work right now alone its 9:50am and I want to get breakfast at the lodge. But now for the all encompassing dilema what should I eat! bagel ..no eggs ..no maybe an omlette with a cup of tea or just some melon. I guess the answer will have to be one decided on the spot, fear not soldiers of knowledge I will come back with the answer in which we all are consumed by!
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