Here is the deal load up a van Friday Morning at 9am load it up with Mandana, Craig, Jeff, Tom, Xris and your truely Sean. Now get on the highway and travel 6 hours across the border into Canada, and not get arrested or at the very least killed. Done...Now Locate hotel Holiday Inn Express (Poor Stupid Bastards)
Ok checked it, drop off bags ...need booze. Ok not to sound dicky but its me so deal: Montreal sucks at booze. No top or Middle shelf no beer at all, a choice of 4 beers through out and its all shit. Ok we can deal we are strong we are viking wargods far from home.
I have come to realize this about Goths of the male persuasion - we are so freakin gay getting dressed! Fighting for mirror space, asking how things look over and over and the preening dear god the preening. Still the end result is acceptable and after a few beers and some vodka we have assembled and readied quickly after drive we get to Kinetik in time for some more drinks at the bar, very weak except the everyone loves this lychee drink its like a smirnoff ice put with that hippy edge. As a thinking animal we learn to sneak in our own - Vodka is clear like water :). Now I want this to be a lesson to all Montreal Powernoize festivals - stock the bar proper and give value for the dollar and we wont have to resort to this!
We missed Nitzer Ebb on Thursday, a few peeps couldnt get off from work, so the first band we saw on Friday after all the hanging out and scouting out the venue was Funker Vogt - very good, I never saw them live and was very please. Unlike alot of EBM acts they move around and try to perform their songs instead of just miming it. They played for awhile and much kudos to the venue the line of sight is great here.
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