Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Before I heap the praise and the 'wow this shit is fun' I need to thanks Ben of the Terrorfakts for giving me this album, otherwise I might have skipped over this beast. SO you see friends of my world don't share needles share loud Irish punk music instead. OK that's enough of that on too the album and heap o praise.

Where to begin, Ok lets start with the facts then run deep with the glories!
Firstly there is 15 tracks on this CD with most songs hovering around the 3 minute mark. It came out in the later half of 2007 and has done a wonderful job on the charts, well wonderful for a Bostonian punk band with tin whistles and bagpipes.

Out of the 15 tracks assembles I would say 5 are near perfect in their driven duty, my favorites and I believe they are obvious ones:

God Willing
State of Massachusetts
Fairmount Hill
Loyal to No one
Johnny I hardly New Ya

The finest gem has to be Flannigans Ball.
This is such a brutal track that plays like a cross between a jig and a freight train. The lyrics remind me of what could have been written by Nick Cave on a ton a speed and Red Bull. What is most notable about this song is the guest vocal spots are done by the brilliant and undeniably talented Spider Tracy from the Pogues and a sad reminder of the late and great singer of the Dubliners Ronnie Drew.

This albums main story anchor is that of home, loss of friends and violence as a fact of life. This album makes me want to drink a barrel of Guinness and swear at the moon. Which I would say that any album that can make ya want to do that is a fucken treasure. So take my advice and please make today the day you listen to it. Here is a sweet sweet find on youtube

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Everyone changes, everyone. Now some do it for the best. learning, growing and becoming their truer selves some call this maturity. Fine. Now come to understand as well we are not all created equal, never happened never will this can not be argued we are not born on the same footing with the same capacity of knowledge we are in an essence unique lil snowflakes. Some are just more intricate and have a lasting impression. again fine. With these 2 absolutes in mind Nick Cave was a cold icy bitch who knew he was better then you. Fine. Nick Cave created some of the best most honest and intense music, capable of unmasking every pretender. I wlll not rattle off his discography, there is no need for example if you don't know by now just stop reading and turn on the Hills I think someone is gossiping about their frenemies.

I do have a point and I am about to arrive on top of it. Nick Cave please retire you are pulling a fucken Lucas. Just go away unplug the microphone, stop pretending you know how to play the guitar like Madonna and on the way out please do me a favor kill Warren Ellis and his pseudo-arty bullshit masturbation BLixa wannabe ass.

Where does this hate come from, well it comes from the heart and the still disquiet of seeing this sad shadow of a once great man fuck up his own songs his damn legacy live on stage just the other day. Oh it couldnt be that bad, well lovers of mediocrity and apologists listen their is no middle ground and he played like a washed up old man worried about how he is gonna pay off his kids college tuition and not his next fix. You see I remember this band not so long ago drive my inspiration to do great things to repel off of life's great sorrows now his last few albums make me want to wear skinny ties and white sneakers and complain about our President while I create subversive black and white grainy art that only I can understand. Well fuck that noise. And sadly Fuck you Nick Cave for becoming a pussy amongst pussies. Well I still have fro all time all his real work like: Your Funeral My Trail, Henry's Dream, Good Son, From Her to Eternity, Kicking against the Pricks well everything up to and not including Nocturama.

We will never see his kind again, not wih the state of decline that we are going through, and maybe we don't deserve it either. Oh well I am listening to Henry's Dream right now and sadly for every one of me 20 are listening to Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!!.