Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Sinister Cut (In Progress)

So sinister a cut,  The devices triggers gasps and no approach as the shallowest pools drowns the smallest of children
The circle spared to spite the line, A shame to linger past its prime
No genealogy or apology
We persevere through no fault of our own.

Sentiment for an idea begets faith in its misunderstanding
Messianic malcontents inspired solely on inspiration
tick tocking to the wonton beat of morality, poison sips to the kindest toast
parlay dominion and poetry as neither lasts more than the half speak from which it was parted

Upon filigree, through the through and the therebetween 
The inference of indifference breeds love affairs and misanthropy
Our quick and wit undone by the social trophies as only the dullest blade can claim
Beauty must be reminded,  That which rises above must be brought down below

An age of constrictions limits and victims it is a rush of time that makes ogres of saints
Purity wasted on cigarettes whiskey and death
To recall is to damn the truth of it, vanity in the guise of high horror
All Can not be, as we navigate the vastness of vapidity 

Atone and wait for it to come back around
Sweet the guilty that yearns for the genius of innocence
Home a word, so it can stay the abstract portal
sterile and unfathomable

Leveler fix high and ignite the fortunes and bruise the sweetest of fruit
Molested intimacies for a severed requiem, of wants and praise catastrophes.
As all light preens and puckers out of mind
ours can invite a smile that it is for all time and with no escape our dread demise

To The fair and form, our heroes bleed it out. Gone and through. To the bloom our winter comes.   time will conspire with doubt to wrest them to less then dust.  We the trails and whispers of past delights onward we can only perceive through another and another as time will remind us the crown.

We can wait at the horizon my dear friend and lastly undermine that which grips us true.
It is through the possibilities of the rehearsed design that might and could bleed into A higher trajectory
A rush of majesty, lastly and then that to gone.