Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mera Luna De-Briefing

Mandana and I had an amazing time. This was the best atteneded Mera Luna to date. The crowd as always was a ball of drunkend tribal energy. This was our third Mera Luna, I cant say its my favorite because I feel guilty saying it as the other 2 were so very good to me. Lets just say its in the top 3. We were very fortunate to be with an amazing group of friends, who just know how to have a great time. Mad drinks were flowing from Morning to Morning. Food was meaty gemanic goodness. Did some good shopping, as customary with my European jonts. I picked up some good new music for Underworld & Red Party! Here is a brief Rundown on the artists That I was fortunate enough to catch, which was alot this year.
Here is a mad quick rundown ( I am at work after al) I will add photos as soon as we import them.

Main Stage
One of the bands I was looking foward to seeing, not their best performance. They were still good but didnt have the 'Zaz' as before. Still a solid showing. A Good band to start off the festival

15:25-16:05 - FAITH AND THE MUSE
I knew they would be amazing, its a given with them. Their new album (imo) is their best yet. Live they are on fire. Only damn problem they were given a small timeslot. I think they should have gone on later, more towards the end of the night.

16:30-17:10 - BRENDAN PERRY
Directly next was the legendary Brenden Perry. His voice is a calming storm. One of the highlighs of the fesival was middle way through his set he does 'Song to the Siren' . It nearly killed me. So amazing. Yes he played plenty of DCD as well.

18:05-19:05 - LAIBACH
Main stage
I was disappointed, we all were. Just so Boring

19:30-20:30 - NITZER EBB
Main Stage
Yes Yes and Yes. Old school industrial music gods. They were damn solid. The crowd really got into them. Next time though please please less jazz hands.

21:00-22:15 - UNHEILIG
Main Stage
The biggest thing in Germany right now. He is either Loved or written off as cheese. I saw them at Mera Luna 4 Years ago and even then you could tell their following was rabid. A few of my friends are HUGE fans so, we went up front and we got all cheesy. suffice to say He (they) were pretty good - Just not my thing.

22:45-00:00 - THE SISTERS OF MERCY
Headline - Main stage
Andrew Please Stop - We all walked away. Nuff Said (FATM deserved this spot)


12:20-12:55 - PUNISH YOURSELF
Main Stage
Never heard them before. Awesome Mad Fun except for the overly gay dancer in chaps with the twirlers. Liked the body paint though :)

12:55-13:30 - COLONY 5
Great Show, Very Dancey and Very tight. Great Video display. Reminded me of a new(ish) Nitzer Ebb.

Singers voice reminded my of Poly Styrene from Xray Spex. Think 70's punk with keyboards. Interesting.

14:15-14:55 - ZERAPHINE
I love them more and more. I have seen them in concert a few times and always very good. I recommend them.

16:30-17:20 - THE 69 EYES
Main Stage
I know I know. I expected cheese and there was. But seriously they blew up that stage. Thge best performance of theirs I have yet to see. I was mega-suprised to see them in such good form. Really Really fun.

17:20-18:15 - FEINDFLUG
Love songs for Nazis

18:45-19:45 - SKINNY PUPPY
Its the Puppy! Saw the same show in NYC. That kind of kills the momentum. Still amazing it is the Puppy after all. Seemed a lil phoned in.

20:15-21:15 - COMBICHRIST
Hanger - Headliner
Holy Fuck, Wow. They Deserve any success they get. Andy was non-stop. The crowd was out of control. New Album sounds great live. Cant say enough goodthings about their performance!

20:45-22:00 - PLACEBO
Mainstage - Headliner
Feh, kind of boring and uninspired. But not horrible.
So for what its worth here are the stand out performancers in my humble opinion

Faith and the Muse
The 69 Eyes
Brendan Perry


Dunker Club
Guests: William Faith, DJ Thomas Thyssen

I have been coming to this club for four years now. It is what I always wished a Goth Club could be like here in NYC (ahem Red Party). The indoor/Outdoor decor is just right. The music was amazing ( I think they put in a new sound system). I can not stress, how this party is inspiring and it doesnt help that the Beer is cheap and they make a slamming Mojito. Nothing about this night sucked save it was the most packed I have seen it and very hot. We only stayed til 5am we had a flight to catch.

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